Pardon My French !

I saw a great phrase the other day that I thought was applicable to all of the hoopla leading up to the 2020 elections. The phrase, “faute de mieux;” the language, French; the meaning, “for lack of something better.” When I read this phrase (after I looked up its meaning), I immediately thought about the recent Democrat’s debate. The stage seemed to be full of prototypical faute de mieux candidates! Think about this crowd of twelve lined up across the stage in Ohio. Is this the best that the Democrats can do? Do any of them stand a chance against President Trump? None of the three front runners, Biden, Warren, and Sanders can be elected here in the US . . . maybe in Cuba, Venezuela, or perhaps in Ukraine, but not in the US. Maybe on the coasts, but not in those areas where the real voters live. The other nine remind me of that saying about the snowball’s chance of survival where the devil lives. I repeat,”faute de mieux!”

Then, on the Republican side, there are three challengers to President Trump for the 2020 Republican nomination. I use the term, challengers, loosely! The three are: Bill Weld, Joe Walsh, and Mark Sanford. Who are these yo-yo’s? Apparently in the third quarter these three self-proclaimed egotists raised a total of $647,000 – compared to $125.7 million for the President. Now don’t get me wrong. I want DJT to be re-elected, but “faute de mieux!”

BTW: Did any of you see the crowd in Dallas the other night for the President’s speech? Sensationnel! “Viva la Trump!”

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