“Over and Over and Over, Again …”

When I read the news of the day, it reminded me of a 1965 hit song by the Dave Clark Five, titled “Over and Over.”  The song itself was about a guy at a dance, but the mesmerizing part was the repetition of the chorus … over and over and over again … like this:

“I said over and over and over again

This dance is gonna be a drag

I said over and over and over again

This dance is gonna be a drag”

Etcetera; etcetera; etcetera!

Why did this refrain immediately come to mind when I read the news of the day? Actually, simple, as Joe Biden did it again with his adamant refusal to make the U.S. energy independent like it was when he assumed office. Those who have read my blog over the years have probably lost track of how many times I have pointed out that the Dems have done things that hurt the little guy the most – over and over and over, again!

By the little guy I mean those among us who are in the lower and middle socioeconomic classes.

By not opening up the different things that he shut down, Biden is driving up the cost of gas/oil, and consequently he is going to overwhelmingly hurt that little guy. As the price of gas goes up toward $7.00 per gallon and beyond, who is going to be hurt the most? Think about it … is it going to be the guy who drives a newer, more gas efficient car or a hybrid? Gosh, no. Is it going to be one who can work from home. Gosh, no! Is it going to be the retired guys who do not have to drive back and forth to work each day … again, no. 

Who’s it going to hurt?

Obviously, it’s going to be the guy who drives an older gas-guzzler because he cannot afford a new car!  In addition, those who are going to be hurt the most as gas prices go up and up, are those who have to drive a myriad of miles back and forth to work each day because they can not afford to live close to their place of work.

To magnify just how out touch the Democrats are, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, is out there trying to convince all to drive electric cars. Obviously, Buttigieg must not be aware that the average cost of a new electric vehicle was $56,437 in November 2021, Kelley Blue Book said — an increase of 6.2% from November 2020. Are those who are in the lower and middle segments of our society going to be able to buy an electric car? … Obviously, no!

Meanwhile, in a speech, VP Kamala Harris was “imagining a future” without fossil fuels in a poor take-off on the John Lennon song.

The headline from the NY Post sums up what complete jerks and how out of touch these top Democrats are:

“Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg slammed for ‘tone-deaf’ e-vehicle push as gas skyrockets.” In case you are wondering, neither mentioned gas prices in their out-of-touch proclamations.

Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, tweeted, “The Biden Administration could not be more tone-deaf.” Rep. Mullin certainly hit the nail on the head, and over the years the Dems continue to hurt the little guy … over and over and over, again!


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