Our Military Strength – Part 2

In Part One I spoke about the decreasing number of young adults who could qualify for the military. However this is only a part of the reason that the U.S. Army is struggling on many fronts. For the second year in a row the Army has failed to meet its recruiting goals. The result is that in 2023 total full-time Army personnel stood at 452,000, a 7 percent decrease from 2021 and the smallest Army since 1940, before the United States entered World War II.
From the Epoch Times:
Could it be that the Army’s biggest hurdle in recruiting and retention is a lack of trust by the people group that has formed the backbone of the U.S. Army since it was established in 1775?
Historically, this people group has been patriotic males who are generally conservative and believe in traditional Judeo-Christian values. Many came from families with a long heritage of military service. And even today, the overwhelming majority of new Army recruits, nearly 80 percent, come from a family with members who have served in the military.

Since the 1980s, we have seen the gradual supplantation of the warrior culture and meritocracy with quotas, sex-based double standards, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies. This change, including the repealing of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy and a push to support transgenderism in the military, has created a military that is increasingly unattractive to the kind of men you need to fight and win wars.
All of this has resulted in military heritage families advising their children not to enter the military.

Army leadership needs to acknowledge that the ideology with which the military is now thoroughly infected has made it less attractive to honorable men. And until the Army rejects equality and social justice ideologies and returns to traditional American military values and meritocracy, it is going to find it increasingly difficult to meet its recruiting goals, much less recruit the kind of men our country needs to fight and win wars

How to address these issue? … Elect Trump who has pledged to reverse these woke dictums and these liberal military shenanigans on his first day in office.
