Other News Headlines

Headlines that you won’ see anyplace else:

Ex Professional Poker Player Suspects a Bluff

When United Airlines needed 4 volunteers, three people agreed to give up their seat at the table. One person, David, thought that the airline might have been bluffing and, as he had already put his chips on the table, he decided to play the hand that he was dealt. However the odds were against him as there was a full house! He then saw 3 of a kind, and they were coming straight at him. He decided to stand pat. He played his flush, however the house was not bluffing and they were the bullies at that table. In the end, although the airline won that hand, he will probably win the big money tournament!


Do All Lives Matter ?

After the recent:
“Security guards drag olderVietnamese-American off of United plane”,

I wonder how many signs we will see saying:
“Vietnamese lives matter.”
“Grandpas’ lives matter.”

Let me know if you see any such signs, as so far I have seen . . . Zero!

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