On the Three Year Anniversary

In the guise of trying to be fair, I have to ask an obvious question … especially close to 8/26/24, which is the three year anniversary of the Biden/Harris disastrous Abbey-Gate pullout from Afghanistan in 2021.

Biden’s botched withdrawal killed roughly 170 civilians on top of the 13 American troops and left behind roughly $7 billion worth of military equipment that is now in the hands of the Taliban. Matthew Miller, a spokesperson for the Biden-Harris State Department, called the withdrawal the “correct policy choice” just two days after the Gold Star families spoke out against the withdrawal in August 2023.

Leading up to the withdrawal, several White House officials like Secretary of State Antony Blinken, then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki and the president himself, went on vacation. Biden was also captured in various photos and videos checking his watch while he was waiting for the 13 fallen soldiers to return from overseas.
“Checking his watch” was the ultimate insult to the gold-star families, and just to remind all of us who are ex-military how callous and disrespectful the Biden/Harris administration was, former President Donald Trump’s campaign unveiled a new ad on Monday featuring GOP veteran lawmakers recalling the Abbey Gate suicide bombing that left 13 service members dead at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.
The ad, titled “Veterans on Abbey Gate,” included several Republican lawmakers criticizing President Joe Biden’s leadership during the withdrawal and subsequent bombing that killed over a dozen service members on August 26, 2021. In contrast, the lawmakers point out Trump’s treatment of Gold Star families whose relatives died during “one of the deepest failures” in recent American military history.

“I’ve dealt with Gold Star families my entire military career, and naturally, the grief is deep and palpable,” Republican Rep. Mike Waltz of Florida, who served in the National Guard, said in the video. “But I’ve never dealt with a group that’s so angry at Biden and how they’ve been treated.”

“So I said, you know, ‘I’m going to call President Trump,’” Waltz said. “It was literally a 30 second conversation. I laid this out, he said ‘Michael, get them up here.’ He was up at Bedminster, we arranged to get several families up there. We had scheduled about an hour for him to talk to them. He ended up spending about six hours with them.”
Six hours for one presidential candidate, Trump, while the other, Joe Biden spent most of his time checking his watch!
From the Daily Caller:
“Despite Harris’ ‘key role’ in the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, she has failed to express any regret with her administration’s actions,” Brian Hughes, senior advisor for the Trump campaign, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Unlike Kamala Harris, President Trump is willing to say the names of the 13 American heroes who paid the ultimate price for our country.”

I watched the ad, and I think it is not only powerful, but also is done quite well. I recommend that everyone who reads this, should also watch it.
So in summary I again ask, “How can any retired military individual vote for Biden/Harris? For that matter how can anyone who has ever been in the military vote for Biden/Harris?