Old Favorites

Most of the following is from an article by Mark E. Meengs M.D, a cardiologist from Michigan and a video interview of Peter McCullough M.D., a cardiologist and epidemiologist. 

What you are going to read will probably shock most of you, as it did me. Both of these distinguished physicians basically are saying the same thing, namely that the reason that both Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are persona non grata with respect to treating Covid in the USA has much more to do with profit, or more precisely‘not making a profit.’ 

I can understand why major drug companies are not interested in doing studies on either cheap drug. Namely, lots of dollar investment with little chance for any monetary profit, as both drugs are dirt cheap. 

One might ask why these drugs have apparently successfully been used for Covid in many other countries, but not in the USA? Could the answer be related to the fact that the NIH, the FDA, and the CDC are all in America? And furthermore could this dichotomy be related to the eminent Dr. Fauci, who from the very beginning preached about ‘controlled double blind’ studies, knowing full well that these types of studies on both of these inexpensive, but potentially effective safe drugs would never, NEVER, be done. Insisting on studies that he knew would never be done, while many many people were and still are dying, is in my mind, the definition of a ghoulish hypocrite, and perhaps the devil incarnate.

By merely making both of these inexpensive and safe drugs available to practicing physicians in the U.S., could lives have been saved? At this point I guess we will never know for sure. However judging by results in Japan, Peru, and India (Ivermectin) and Iran (hydroxychloroquine), if I were to get covid, I would certainly like the chance to take either drug early on in my illness.


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