Oink! Oink!

As Charles H. Spurgeon noted in his 1887 compendium of proverbs, The Salt-Cellars: “A hog in a silk waistcoat is still a hog,” meaning, “Circumstances do not alter a man’s nature, nor even his manners.”

Much later Barack Obama, in 2008, told a crowd at a campaign event, “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” Little did we know at that time that B.O. was prescient, and was in fact, speaking of his then running mate, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

Apparently back then, B.O. knew that J.B. just could not make a decision based purely on principle … he had to first check the way the wind was blowing, and even then … well, the wind could change! 

Rumor has it that while still in grade school in Scranton, J.B. could not standup to the 4th grade bully, and as we all know, a zebra does not change its stripes, even when the zebra moves to Delaware, and later to D.C.

Not standing up to bullies is part of his nature, and circumstances do not change a man’s nature. Twice, in last couple of days, the pig basically has said, “oink, oink!”


Members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) have been plotting to assassinate John Bolton, former national-security adviser in the Trump administration, says a Justice Department official with direct knowledge of the government’s investigation of the suspected plot. That is according to Tom Rogan, who reported the development in the Washington Examiner on Monday,3/7/22.

The DOJ source told Rogan that prosecutors have enough evidence to indict two Iranians attached to the IRGC’s Quds force, but that the Biden administration has resisted filing public charges for fear that it could derail their ongoing effort to strike a nuclear deal with Tehran.

It seems like the piggy, although no longer in Scranton, still cannot stand up to the bully. 

Then the headline:

“Biden Changes Tune on Helping Ukraine with Fighter Jets”

But why? From the Wall Street Journal editorial board: What happened between Mr. Blinken’s endorsement and the Pentagon’s rejection? It’s hard not to conclude that the White House blinked for fear of provoking Mr. Putin, who is demanding that the West stop arming Ukraine. But NATO countries are already sending all sorts of weapons into Ukraine. Is a Polish MiG with a Ukrainian pilot somehow more provocative than a Turkish drone or an American antitank missile? Transferring planes isn’t the same as NATO aviators directly shooting down Russian jets (WSJ). 

Poland which shares a border with Ukraine was all ready to go, but then “wee, wee, wee, all the way home!”


138 Replies to “Oink! Oink!”

  1. Then VP Biden was also the only one in the situation room who objected to the seal team 6 mission to kill Osama Bin Laden.

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