Now I Get It !

For a while I didn’t get it. “Why would some candidates for office refuse to debate their opponent?” Recently there has been three separate instances which, in essence, encompass three different potential answers to that question.

In the Arizona Governor’s race, the Democratic candidate (Katie Hobbs) refuses to debate her Republican opponent (Kari Lake). Lake has criticized Hobbs’ refusal to face her, suggesting that it comes from Hobbs’ inability to properly debate. This may actually be the case here as Hobbs also refused to debate her opponents before the Democratic primary.

In New York’s Governor’s race, there was one debate and it demonstrated  why incumbent Hochul does not want to do it again … her policies are terrible. During the debate Hochul, the incumbent Democrat stunningly said she couldn’t understand why it’s “so important” to lock up criminals. Wow!

However, the main reason for a candidate not debating is because the candidate is amazingly incompetent. This was brought out in spades in the Pennsylvania Senate Race debate between John Fetterman and Dr. Mehmet Oz.

As I watched multiple snippets of this debate, I stared to feel sorry for John Fetterman.

When asked about the federal minimum wage, Fetterman struggled to get through his answer that sought to invoke a “living wage,” calling it a “willing wage” and generally fumbling the answer.

When talking about abortion, Fetterman said, “that the choice beleans women and their doctors.”

The debate moderators also asked Fetterman why his position on fracking had changed, displaying a 2018 quote in which Fetterman said he didn’t support fracking. Unbelievably, moments after being read his own quote saying “I don’t support fracking at all,” John Fetterman says “I’ve always supported fracking.”

Now everyone is probably rightly assuming that Fetterman’s inability to speak and think coherently is due to his recent stroke. I am not familiar with the John Fetterman persona before his stroke … perhaps it’s different or perhaps it’s not. However, it doesn’t really matter, as a U.S. Senator must be able to think logically and speak, using normal English words, because the responsibility of a Senator is too important.

Now I get it. In retrospect, John Fetterman should have stuck with his “no-debate” stance as over 80% felt that Dr. Oz won their debate.


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