Nothing Green Here !

A copy of this letter was sent to me, and I feel that it is very apropos for a “Tuesday truth”blog.

To  me this EV craze is unsustainable, and this Professor agrees.

A huge machine is required to move 500 tons of earth/ ore which will be refined into one lithium car battery. This machine burns 900-1000 gallons of fuel in a 12-hour shift.”

Lithium is refined from ore using sulfuric acid. The proposed lithium mine at Thacker Pass, Nevada is estimated to require up to 75 semi-loads of sulfuric acid a day.!  The acid does not turn into unicorn food as AOC believes. 

Refining lithium has created several EPA SUPERFUND SITES.  IT ISVERY TOXIC TO THE ENVIRONMENT.! 

A battery in an electric car, let’s say an average Tesla, is made of: 

25 pounds of lithium,

60 pounds of nickel,

44 pounds of manganese,

30 pounds of cobalt,

200 pounds of copper, and

400 pounds of aluminum, steel, and plastic, etc…. averaging 750-1,000 pounds of minerals, that had to be mined and processed into a battery that merely stores electricity … which is generated by oil, gas, coal, or water (and a tiny fraction of wind and solar)

That is the truth, about the lie, of “green” energy. There’s nothing green about the “Green New Deal.”

Dr. Phillip A. XXXX

University of South Alabama

Mobile, Alabama
