
Reading the Sunday paper used to be one of my favorite things to do. Not so much anymore. In fact these days the paper reminds me of a noose . . . a Zero!

The sports page seems now more focused on how many of the players are kneeling etc. during the National Anthem. (For those of you who were not aware, at one of the WNBA games, the players walked off the court during the National Anthem. . . . For me, “no me importa,” as I never have watched a WNBA game, and the walking off the court during the National Anthem guarantees that I never will!)

Other than the “sports non-page,” the only things in my noose-paper are either anti-Trump, pro-Covid, or about Dem-cities’ “protests.” Since I am tired of reading these types of articles, today I spent a fair amount of time reading the obits. Yes, yes, I was bored! Actually the obits can be interesting. The life lines of different individuals are often very interesting – much more than he/she was born, lived,and died. There were thirty-four obits, and thirty-one of these deceased individuals were more than seventy-five years old, which only proves the point that it is mainly the older folk that die . . . both with and without Covid.

You might ask, “How could I spend time reading the obits?”

The answer is quite simple . . . In the thirty-four total obits, there was not one mention of Trump, Covid, or “protests.”

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