
As almost all of you are aware on 2/13/22, the Super Bowl was played in Los Angeles, and as I am sure, most of you are also aware, Los Angeles is in California. Now perhaps those of you who live outside of the state of California may not realize that on 2/13 there was a mask mandate in California. Knowing that would have been impossible from watching the Super Bowl on T.V. as the vast majority could be seen not wearing a mask

At 12:01 a.m. on 2/16 the mask mandate will officially end … but it will not end in schools. Taken at face value, this borders on the nonsensical. Wait! I take that back. It doesn’t border on the nonsensical … it is nonsensical. How can it possibly make sense to continue the mask mandates on the group (school children) who are at the lowest risk? … and the lowest risk by far. What happened to follow the science?

Dr. Mark Ghaly … who’s he? Dr. Ghaly the state’s health and human services director, hinted that mask mandates in schools could end in a few weeks, but that school districts will be able to continue requiring masks, if they wish. “Local decisions are not just allowed; they are supported,” said Dr. Ghaly. 

To that I would say, “What’s going to happen in two weeks to change anything? And if local school districts are then encouraged to make decisions, why can’t local districts make them now?”

Come on Dr. Ghaly! Everyone who is paying any attention knows that all of this delay in ending the masking of school children is solely because of the Teacher’s Unions. Most of the local quotes in the Main Stream Media that are continuing to encourage the continued masking of school children are from reps of the Teacher’s Union or reps of Teacher Associations.

Last week American Federation of Teachers union president Randi Weingarten was asked about unmasking children. She responded, “I am in favor of an off ramp on masks. The real issue becomes, is the spread low enough so that there’s no dissemination and transmission in schools?” 

No dissemination or transmission!!! That’s says it all! … Nonsense!

All over the world children are now attending school unmasked. Why not in California?


Is Dr. Ghaly an elected official? … No! He was appointed by Newsom in 2019. It seems to me that he has much too much power for a non-elected person. One might add, “Is Is it nonsense to ask if is he merely a shill for the Teacher’s Unions?”


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