No Tattling! . . . Or Not?

When you are taking care of two little ones it is not that unusual for one to complain that the other did such & such. As the parent or grandparent you quickly learn not to respond to every “he did this” or “she did that,” and in fact do the smart thing and  discourage such behavior. “No tattling!”

A daughter of mine is a kindergarten teacher and has told me that if she wanted to spend her time actually teaching, she had to put a lid on “Manuel is not being nice,” or “Julia is not sitting on her spot,” or the dreaded “Michael is looking at me!” For these young kids this is often their first social experience, and this immature behavior must be nipped in the bud, otherwise the teacher cannot get any traction. “No tattling!”

Obviously certain aggressive behaviors cannot be tolerated and the line is quickly drawn. Even a five-year old understands the difference between calling George “shorty,” and punching or kicking George. As the children grow older, they mature and learn to tell the difference between the small change (“four-eyes”) and the big money (bullying). I agree that calling someone “four-eyes” is not a nice thing to do, and while being on the receiving end is not pleasant, such is life . . . apparently until you are a freshman at the University of Illinois, where according to the Washington Examiner, social media posts from the University of Illinois campus police are encouraging students to report “acts of intolerance” to the school’s Bias Assessment and Response Team (B.A.R.T.). The long list of potentially objectionable verbal offenses ends with the dreaded . . . “etc.”!

Again according to the Examiner, those reported for bias may be required to participate in mediation, “educational conversations,” or “resolution agreements” and may receive referrals to other offices at the school. In some cases, incidents which are deemed as possible violations of the Student Code can be forwarded to the Student Discipline System. If you offend a snowflake, get ready to be plowed under at U. of I.! What do others think of these snowflakes? According to Fox News:

Actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson lamented the “snowflake” culture in an interview with the U.K.’s Daily Star.
Johnson, who has toyed with the idea of politics, told the publication that snowflakes’ complaints do a disservice to the war heroes who fought for freedom of speech.
“So many good people fought for freedom and equality – but this generation are looking for a reason to be offended,” he said. “If you are not agreeing with them then they are offended – and that is not what so many great men and women fought fore.”

I guess those leftists, who think that these P.C. dictums are good for ? somebody, probably missed that day when the kindergarten teacher said, “No tattling! Alternatively, perhaps they were an only child who was home-schooled through high-school, or perhaps even went directly from pre-school to college.

Mark my words, this B.A.R.T. surveillance  will cause nothing but chaos at the U. of I. 

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