No Proof … Absolutely No Proof Whatsoever!

I have a confession to make Today I went to the gym, and just by accident I watched a bit of MSNBC  … “mea culpa, mea culpa.” Let’s be clear, I never, never in my entire life purposely watched MSNBC. I do not even know what station MSNBC is on my cable box. Anyway after my workout, while still in the dressing room, I noticed that MSNBC was on the TV. I’m pretty sure the TV was muted, but across the bottom the interviewee was complaining that “Trump was continuing to bemoan the fact that the election was fraudulent, despite the fact that there was no proof … absolutely no proof whatsoever, and he referred President Trump as a grifter.” Okay … whatever.

After returning to the changing room after a nice long shower, not surprisingly MSNBC was still on that same TV, as the channel controls are only at the front desk. I wasn’t paying a lot of attention, however I did note that a different guest was basically echoing the initial “grifter” interviewee. The second guest called Trump swindler and a charlatan, but emphasized  that there was  no proof … absolutely no proof whatsoever. 

I thought where had I heard that phrase before? Could it be that this is the new catch-phrase for not only MSNBC, but also the rest of the leftists? Remember, if anything is said repeatedly and often, it is frequently assumed to be true. Okay … whatever.

However while driving home I asked myself why “no proof … absolutely no proof whatsoever” now? Could it be that some actual proof of fraud is bubbling to the surface, and MSNBC is merely attempting to get ahead of the curve by repeating that set phrase over and over? Hmmm!

Could it be that the “swindler, grifter, charlatan” is right again, and soon we will all be hearing about proof … absolute proof?


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