No Me Importa !

Does a politician need to have a sense of humor? My answer is, “no me Importa,” or in other words “It’s not important to me” or “I don’t care.” In general, I like people who have a sense of humor, but there are many more things that I find important in a politician … like being honest and telling the truth.

In the same vein, does the President need to have a sense of humor? Again, “No me importa.” I really do not give a toot whether or not the President has a sense of humor. If President Trump had a sense of humor, I was not aware of it. The last President that I know that for sure had a sense of humor was Ronald  Reagan, who in fact seemed to have a very good sense of humor.

Does our present President, Joe Biden, have a sense of humor? Personally, “no me importa.” However the evidence argues against it as he is often snapping at reporters in certain situations. Prior to the Nov 2020 election, when Biden was asked by a CBS reporter about him taking a cognitive test, his response was” Are you a junkie?” “Come on, man!” …  not much evidence of a sense of humor.

In Dec, 2019 while on the campaign trail in Iowa at a townhall meeting Joe Biden was initially all smiles and then suddenly got into a heated exchange with a man and challenged him to do push-ups with him, after he called the questioner a liar. What initially appeared to possibly a sense of humor immediately vanished.

I bring up Biden’s apparent lack of a sense of humor because of something that happened on 6/23/21. Speaking from the East Room of the White House on a Wednesday afternoon, President Joe Biden re-introduced his extreme gun control agenda, advocating for a ban on modern sporting rifles and reminding lawful gun owners that the federal government has nuclear weapons. 

“Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government,” Biden said. “If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”

Let’s be clear, I am not a gun owner . . . Yet! To me the frightening thing about this statement is that Joe Biden is not a joker. I am very dubious that he has any sense of humor. 

Is he actually threatening to use nuclear weapons on American citizens?

Es muy importante para me!


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