New Recommendations …

For a long time I have been dubious about the computer models that predict disastrous global warming. The response from the extremists has been to follow the science. Okay! What do the scientists think?

On 8/14/23 a group of 1609 scientists and professionals, calling themselves the Global Climate Intelligence Group, came out with a signed World Climate Declaration. This group was indeed a worldwide group from countries alphabetically from Argentina & Bangladesh all the way down to Ukraine & Vietnam. The countries with over 100 signatures included Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, and the U.K. with the U.S.A.leading the way with 321 signatures.

Exactly what did these 1609 individuals sign on to?

The title is  “There Is No Climate Emergency”

The main points are as follows ( in the original text each point is expounded upon in a few sentence summation):

1 Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming.

2 Warming is far slower than predicted.

3 Climate policy relies on inadequate models.

4 CO2 is plant food; the basis of all life on earth.

5 Global warming has not increased natural disasters.

6 Climate policy must respect economic and scientific realities.

In the beginning and at the end they focus on somewhat on politics when they say, “It should be a point of emphasis is that climate policies should be less political.” and “Politics should focus on minimizing potential climate damage by prioritizing adaptation strategies.”

 Now granted I may have missed these ‘New Recommends’ of the ‘World Climate Declaration’ in the main stream media … but I doubt that I did.
