What a great World Series! For those of you who don’t know, the Houston Astros defeated the Los Angels Dodgers in seven games. The games were exciting. The hitting was good on both sides (except for L.A. in the 7th game), and this was against some of the best pitchers in the game. Houston was the sentimental favorite because of all the recent destruction from  Hurricane Harvey. No one that I spoke to was for the Dodgers including people from the East Coast, and from both Northern California and Southern California outside of the L.A. area. I did not speak to anyone from the L.A. area, but I have to assume that they were for the Dodgers. This morning my wife asked me, “Why does everyone dislike the L.A. teams”? I do not know why this seems to be true. I was trying to think of a witty political reason for this . . . but I’ve got nothing.
Not only were the games good, but the singing of the National Anthem and the associated pomp was very good. The tribute to the flag by the fans as well as the players on both sides was touching. These are all professional athletes and many of the players are from outside of the continental U.S., yet I did not see any of the players show disrespect for the National Anthem.
Why would these professional baseball players act with respect during the National Anthem while professional football players are acting the opposite? Both make a lot of money. Both teams were from major U.S. cities. Both sports are being played before large audiences including those attending the live game as well as those watching on TV. There is a mixture of Blacks, Whites and Latinos in both sports, albeit with a significantly higher percentage of Blacks in the NFL and a significantly greater number of Latinos in MLB.
From my perspective there is only one logical answer as to why there is such a dramatic difference in behavior when it comes to the National Anthem – CTE!

Baseball players in general have very little head trauma, while football players have a lot of head trauma. A recent study of the brains deceased pro-football and college football players showed an unbelievably high incidence of CTE. About 99% of these brains demonstrated evidence of CTE on autopsy in this study. Now granted these brains were studied mostly because of some suspicion of possible CTE before death . . . but 99%!!! Therefore my postulate as to why these NFL football players are acting out with disrespect to the National Anthem, especially why they are acting out in a way that is detrimental to both their league and to themselves is that most of these players already have CTE. The only way to potentially prove this while the players are still alive would be by means of a blood test, which is not yet available.

I predict that once this blood test becomes available, there will be a new sport being shown on Sundays on TV. – NFL Flag Football!

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