Mirabile Dictu

“Mirabile dictu” is a Latin phrase often used many years ago by my freshman Algebra teacher, Father Conway. Although Father Conway had multiple eccentricities and was known affectionately as Crazy George to his students, he was an excellent algebra teacher. I recall that I had him in first period, and he was my initial exposure to high school on my first freshman day. After about five minutes into that first class on that first day, I surely thought, “What have I gotten myself into?”He used multiple other Latin phrases, but “mirabile dictu” was his favorite. Loosely translated it means, “It’s a miracle!”, and he would use it most often when a student would do something unexpected, like solving a problem on the blackboard or having all the correct answers on his homework.

Today when initially looking at the front page of my local liberal “newspaper”, I said to myself, “Mirabile dictu!”, as there actually was an article on the front page (albeit in the lower left-hand corner) that was a pro-Trump article. Although I do not keep a running tally, in my recollection, this was the first pro-Trump article on the front page of my local WaPo wannabe – on this the 158th day of the Trump presidency.                                                                                              Surely, this was close to a miracle . . . “Mirabile dictu.”

Why would the front page of a “newspaper” seemingly purposely not print positive stories about Mr. Trump?

From my perspective there are limited answers, and all of them include biased reporting and an intense dislike for our president – but why this intense dislike?

Could it be that the animus against President Trump is because he IS actually fulfilling or attempting to fulfill his campaign promises? He is keeping his word to those who voted for him, and I think that each kept promise just infuriates the left more!


What campaign promises has he kept thus far?                                                            Let’s list a few:

– Suspend immigration from terror prone places (Supreme Court)

– Reverse B.O.’s Cuba policy (scaled back)

– Terminate B.O.’s immigration executive orders (DAPA rescinded)

– Create private White House veteran’s hotline (announced start on 6/1)

– Cancel Paris Accord (cancelled)

– Invest $550B in infrastructure and create infrastructure fund (rough outline)

– Appoint conservative Supreme Court Justice (Neil Gorsuch)


Like I said earlier, Father Conway was eccentric, but he got the job done. His job was to teach us algebra, and when we were finished with his yearlong class, we knew and understood algebra – indeed he was successful at his job.

Donald Trump is a bit eccentric, and is getting the job done. His job is to fulfill his campaign promises, and he is moving right along on this, and thus far he has been successful. Remember that he has only been in office for 158 days, and thus I foresee many more days with him accomplishing what he said he would accomplish with no corresponding  positive front page headlines.

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