Might as Well Try Bullying

Does anybody recall who “Scut Farkus” was ? I would guess that everybody has seen the movie, “Christmas Story,” a lot of us more than once. At one point in the movie the protagonist, Ralphie has had enough of Scut Farkus, the bully. Farkus is the prototypical bully always beating up on Ralphie, his brother, and his friends. At one point after getting hit in the eye with a Farkus thrown snowball, Ralphie proceeds to beat the sh*t out of Scut in a blind fury (which Ralphie, who narrates the film, describes as saying that “a fuse blew” and he had gone “out of his skull.”)

I think pretty much we can all sympathize with someone who is being bullied. In fact I think that everyone who has witnessed someone being bullied, hopes that  the victim rises up and beats the crap out of the bully. 

On September 13, 2020 the Atlantic tried its best to be a Scut Farkus. (Yes, that same Atlantic that tried to snooker Americans into believing the un-believable, when they published some fantasized story of Trump saying a bunch of disgusting things about the military. No one with an ounce of sense, believed what was said in the far-left Atlantic’s article. They did however manage to get a lot of publicity, mostly in the form of ridicule.)

So for the Atlantic . . . if lying doesn’t work, might as well try bullying. 

The following is from a very recent article by Shadi Hamid in the Atlantic on 9/13/20:

“I find myself truly worried about only one scenario: that Donald Trump will win, and the Democrats and others on the far left will be unwilling, even unable to accept the result.” (So far a very realistic scenario.)

The article continues, “I struggle to imagine how millions of Democrats will process a Trump victory. (Actually somewhat of an oxymoron as Democrats do not really “process” very much or very often.)

But then out comes the Scut Farkus-like bullying threat. To paraphrase Mr./Ms. Hamid . . . A loss by Biden will result in more social unrest and street battles that cities . . . have seen in recent months. 

He concludes, “For this reason law-and-order Republicans . . . have an interest in Biden winning.”


I then googled that scene from the Christmas Story and twice watched Ralphie pummel Scut Farkus.  I cheered each time.

I cannot believe that Hamid thinks that Americans can be bullied into voting for Sleepy Joe by threatening riots in response to a possible Trump victory. When I read this latest tomfoolery from  the Atlantic, I just became more determined to beat the crap out of the left in the upcoming election . . . just like Ralphie!

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