Masks . . . New Recs

For months I have let it be known that I am not a believer in the present  overall status of masks, and the unproven dictum that masks are the solution to the coronavirus pandemic. These days just about everybody is sporting some sort of facial covering and yet the cases of Covid have not decreased or stopped. The “know-it-alls” are incessantly preaching that “cases are increasing because not everybody is wearing a mask,” but could it be that  “those who know everything” actually know nothing. (Okay perhaps “nothing” is a bit harsh. How about “not much” instead?)

My objections to the standard conclusion that mask wearing is the panacea to Covid have been threefold:

First not all masks are being worn correctly. 

Second, the wearing of masks is encouraging noncompliance in social distancing standards. Again here my standard example is Costco or Walmart.

Third, many things that are not masks are being worn as if they are as effective as masks. 

As best I can tell, the CDC was supposed to out with guidelines on the efficacy of individual masks . . . possibly like a rating system similar to the one for sunscreens, but so far . . . nada.

However the CDC did just come out with new data.

From Townhall:

(the bold type and underlining are my additions for emphasis)

This new data underscored the importance of wearing  a mask correctly and making sure it fits closely and snuggly over your nose and mouth. In this new study researchers used experiments in the laboratory, not the real world, to access different strategies to improve the different fits of masks impacts a mask’s ability to block aerosolized particles emitted during a simulated cough as well as to reduce exposure to aerosol particles emitted during simulating breathing.

“I want to be clear that these new scientific data released today do not change the specific recommendations on who should wear a mask and when they should wear one. But they do provide new information on why wearing a well fitting mask is important,” said CDC Director Rochelle Walensky.

The CDC has new recommendations on how to improve mask fit:

“This includes wearing a mask with a moldable nose wire, knotting the ear loops on your mask, or wearing a cloth mask over a disposal mask”

Well this is a whole new ballgame. It appears that it is not wearing a mask per se, but wearing a “tight fitting” mask that is the important thing. Now this makes sense.

Perhaps now the new line we will be hearing from “those that know best” will sound something like this:

“The Covid cases are increasing because people are either not double masking or are not wearing tight fitting masks.”

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