
Word has it that there is a special place in heaven for martyrs. For those not into religion, martyrs are those who die because of their religion. “Renounce your faith, or else!” The “or else” in times past has been the guillotine, being stoned to death, being thrown to the lions in Ancient Rome, etcetera … you get the picture. 

Are the martyrs of today those who are dying because of ballistic missiles? Can the close to 500 Ukrainian civilians who have been killed  be called martyrs? Err … technically speaking, I suppose not, because in order to be a martyr, there has to be a religion. However, what if one dies because of a religion, but is really just an innocent bystander. What if those civilians in Ukraine have died as a consequence of the tenets or beliefs of a religion? If they died as a consequence of someone’s beliefs in a certain religion, then technically I suppose that they could be called martyrs … is the religion involved here is the “religion of global warming?”

Think about it for a second. A large chunk of Putin’s war is being financed by the buying of oil/natural gas from Russia. In Europe, Germany is the biggest sponsor of this religion. Germany has gone so far overboard here with the global warming religion that they have pointed themselves into a corner and thus are basically being forced to buy energy from Russia. As a result of Germany’s worship at the altar of global warming, Ukrainian civilians are dying.

Likewise, President Biden’s shutting down of the production and transport  of fossil fuels in the U.S. is having a similar outcome. Because of his steadfast adoration at the global warming altar, the U.S. continues to buy gas/oil from Putin’s Russia and consequently innocent Ukrainian citizens are being killed.

There might just be a special place in heaven for those innocent Ukrainian individuals who being killed in the name of the religion of global warming.


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