Mandate an End To Mandates

A few days ago I wrote about the practical consequences of the vaccine mandates for military personnel. Today I read something that could mean there is some hope to counteract the actions of the dunderheads now in control of our military.

On July 14, a federal district court issued a temporary restraining order preventing the Biden administration from taking any action (for at least the next 14 days) against any Air Force member who opted not to take the COVID vaccine.

Specifically, Judge Matthew McFarland, who was appointed to the bench by President Donald Trump about three years ago, issued the order that effectively blocks the Biden administration from enforcing their vaccine mandate on all of the thousands of Air Force members who opposed the vaccine on religious grounds—but had their religious exemption applications denied.

As I have stated many times before one of the biggest mistakes in this whole Covid travesty was not considering natural immunity, but rather  looking at vaccines as the only source of immunity. Now granted with the newer Omicron sub-variants, natural immunity no longer is highly protective … but neither are the vaccines and the boosters. To me it is almost as if Covid is two different animals with the initial strains having a higher morbidity and mortality compared to those variants that we have now. Likewise it seems that the natural immunity that was acquired from the initial variants was a “stronger” immunity than the natural immunity from these latest variants. 

From Epoch Times:

“The protection against severe illness from so-called natural immunity remains superior to that bestowed by COVID-19 vaccines, according to a new study.

People who survived COVID-19 infection and weren’t vaccinated had sky-high protection against severe or fatal COVID-19, researchers in Qatar found.

“Effectiveness of primary infection against severe, critical, or fatal COVID-19 reinfection was 97.3 percent … irrespective of the variant of primary infection or reinfection, and with no evidence for waning. Similar results were found in sub-group analyses for those ≥50 years of age,” Dr. Laith Abu-Raddad of Weill Cornell Medicine–Qatar and colleagues said after studying long-term natural immunity in unvaccinated people.

Natural immunity was thought to provide strong protection against reinfection. But the Qatari researchers found it provides poor protection against reinfection from Omicron.

“Pre-Omicron primary infection against pre-Omicron reinfection was as high as 90.5 percent, and remained around 70 percent by the 16th month, according to the study. But pre-Omicron primary infection against Omicron reinfection was just 38 percent effective, although it was higher among people infected with the original Wuhan strain or with the Delta variant, and lower among those who got sick from the Alpha or Beta strains.

Modeling signaled a drop to zero percent protection by 18 months, but the shielding still appears to last longer than that of vaccines, researchers said.

‘Vaccine immunity against Omicron subvariants lasts for <6 months, but pre-Omicron natural immunity, … may last for just over a year,’ they wrote.”

Although I have referred to this recent Qatar study before, I brought it up again because the mandates were handed down during the time of the earlier Covid strains … a time when consequent natural immunity was at its peak effectiveness. While it appears that no one is protected from these newer Omicron variants, remember that for the most part, it is similar to having a bad cold. Sooooo, why is anyone still thinking that vaccine mandates are appropriate? 

I am of the opinion that vaccine mandates were not right from the git-go, mainly because of natural immunity, but also, similar to the thinking of Judge McFarland, because religious objections were only minimally considered.

Looking at the present Covid situation, the only reasonable solution at the present time is to:

“Mandate an end to all previous vaccine mandates!”



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