Losers and Winners

Well, I think that she’s got it. After the most recent debate, I think she has got it!

In this past few weeks three things have happened that for all practical purposes cinches the nomination for Pocahontas . . . err Elizabeth Warren. 

First is the Joe Biden-Ukraine shady dealings that occurred when Joe was V.P. The Dems quickly turned on Ol’ Joe, when basically no one came to his defense, except for Cory Booker in this week’s “debate.” This Trump phone call intensified the focus on the Ukraine, and the more focus on Ukraine and this phone call, the worse it will be for Ol’ Joe. I look for Biden to soon start dropping in the polls, and to be gone after losses in Iowa and New Hampshire.

The second thing that happened recently was that Bernie Sanders had cardiac stents placed in one of the arteries of his heart. For those in the know, this is not really a big deal, but the political implications are disastrous for Bernie, already hindered by his advanced age. Bernie’s numbers will drop, and after he loses Iowa and New Hampshire, he will also be gone.

So what are the Democrats left with? Not much!

Earlier I had predicted that Kamala Harris would win the early California primary, but thirdly, the recent polls now demonstrate that Warren is leading in California, and Harris is a loser anyway. 

So who is left to challenge Warren for the nomination? Basically nobody, and after Warren wins the nomination, the Dems’ enthusiasm will diminish. When she does get the Dems’ nod, who could possibly be her V.P.? It could not be another woman . . . two women on the same ticket is a loser combo. Her V.P. choices are narrowed down to the yo-yo mayor of South Bend, and the pseudo-Hispanic Beto from south Texas. . . . both losers in a National election. All of this is bad news for the Dems, and from my perspective this is all good news for the rest of us, as a Warren-X ticket is a guaranteed loser to Trump in 2020.

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