Long Hot Summer

One of my favorite Paul Newman movies is the 1958 film, Long Hot Summer. I am constantly being reminded of this movie, because of the projections that I have been seeing, forecasting blackouts that are projected to occur during this coming long hot summer. Even though Biden’s presidency has been inundated by one crisis after another, … most of his own doing … it is projected that the upcoming “rolling blackout” crisis could be a doozie!

From Townhall:

It turns out another Biden crisis is already brewing, and it’s set to hit the U.S. this summer in the form of rolling blackouts, the kind of thing that’s more usual in Venezuela or supposedly “green” California. According to a spring report from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), vast swaths of the heartland are in danger of losing power due to summer heat waves. 

By the numbers, consumers in the high risk zone stretching from the midwest to the Gulf of Mexico, are heading for a summer in which peak demand will be up 1.7 percent since last summer, but generation capacity is down 3,200 MW — hence the concerns for rolling blackouts there even in normal conditions. 

As with other crises that developed on Biden’s watch, many have seen and warned of the threat. Still, the Biden administration has done basically nothing to address the threat of blackouts across the country. Like California’s failed Democratic leaders, the Biden administration continues to allow risks to go unmitigated and warnings remain unheeded. 

Biden’s modus operandi  is to continue down his leftist-inspired “transition” away from reliable fossil fuels to falsely named “green” energy. The North America Electrical Reliability Corporation’s report contains warnings that such policies and energy sources have already jeopardized America’s electrical grid and led to the foreboding predictions for this summer.

 When it hits, who will J.B. blame for this crisis? Since God will ultimately be responsible for the upcoming long hot summer weather, will Biden blame Him? Errr … he better be careful as he has already pissed off the Big Guy with his repeated pro-abortion statements!



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