Letters to Governor Jerry Brown

Two of my neighbors recently wrote letters to the governor of California. Because my daughter-in-law is an English teacher, they asked me to proof read them before they were mailed. They both consented to have them printed as is.

Dear Governor Brown,
I am a senior citizen living on a fixed income, and to set the record straight, I have voted for you multiple times including twice in the seventies. I have never written to you before, but today I received my vehicle registration renewal notice, and “shucks” was I surprised.
I drive a 2000 Chrysler that has eighty thousand miles on it. Although the number of times I drive decreases every year, I still need to drive to church, and occasionally to bingo. I also need to drive to the grocery store when my son doesn’t have the time to take me. He tells me just to use Uber, but it it’s too hi-tech for me. But back to my vehicle registration. I am beside myself, as the cost to register my car has gone up from $115 last year to $143 for this year. This despite the fact that I will be driving even less miles compared to last year. How can this be? I thought that you were supposed to be for those of us who are barely scraping by!


Dear Jerry,
In 2018 you referred to those who did not agree with the Democratic gas tax increase (SB 1) as “freeloaders,” and you snarkily stated something to the effect that those who used the roads had to pay for their upkeep. Jerry, are you aware of the fact that California already pays a little over $84,000 per mile for highway maintanence compared to the national average of $28,000 per mile, and ranks 46th in quality of urban highways. That is a sad but telling statistic. Could it possibly reflect on your leadership?
What is worse, however, is that you told us that the revenue generated from your tax increase would be for roads and infrastructure. That does not appear to be the case as on 4/26/18 the Transportation Agency announced the grant recipients for $2.6 billion of the $5.4 billion in annual gas tax and vehicle registration fee increases. Of the 28 projects awarded SB1 money, none involved road upkeep! $2.4 billion went to light-rail and electric bus networks! There was also $100 million for “active transportation” which involves bike lanes, sidewalks, and recreational trails. Jerry, it appears to me that these are the “freeloaders,” as, as best I can tell, the bikers and the walkers do not pay the increased gas tax or the increased vehicle registration fees!
I have not seen you or any of your Democratic colleagues on T.V. explaining why all of this money is not going to roads as you and they promised. Is it possible that you are trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the “freeloaders?” If that is so, it is truly deplorable!
We Californians can only hope for an “Oops-moment” with the “repeal the gas tax” measure that will be on the ballot in November.

A California Freeloader!

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