Legacy or Lunacy?

Apparently Al Franken (D,MN) has some concerns over the psychological state of President Trump. It is difficult to be sure if Mr. Franken is serious or if this is merely some comic relief from his usually tedious speeches. This astute commentary is from an ex-SNL writer and performer, who has demonstrated that anything is possible in the state of Minnesota. Unlike Franken, I do not have any concerns about Donald Trump’s sanity, however I do have some serious concerns about the mental stability of Governor Jerry Brown of California, because some of what he says and some of what he does appear to run counter to reality.

First, his newest pet project – an increased gas tax. Remember that he has been California’s governor now for six-plus years. Are we supposed to believe that “all of the sudden” the infrastructure is in dire need? How did all the money that was supposed to be allocated for infrastructure disappear? Where did it go? Does he not remember that when he was running for governor, he proclaimed that he would not raise taxes without a vote of the people? Starting in November of this year, it is going to cost Californians a lot of money as they will be paying even more for gas even though at present they already pay about 30% more for gas than the national average.
Legacy or lunacy?

Speaking of costing more money, housing prices in California are 230% of the national average, and more people are leaving the state than are coming. Those that are leaving are predominately those who earn $100K – 200K, and these are the people that will be needed to sustain the economy and pay the taxes in the future. This, per se, is not Jerry’s fault, but the increased taxes and regulations (lunacy) are all his, and this exit of thousands could be his legacy!

Let’s move on next to Governor Brown’s worshipping at the altar of climate change. As it stands now, by 2030 California will be required to produce 50% of its electricity from renewable sources. Does it make any sense for the state of California to change the way it gets its electricity, if the rest of the U.S., or the world is still using fossil fuels? Remember that this form of Brown’s hero worship is going to costs Californians a lot of money as they will be paying even more for their electricity.
Legacy or lunacy?

Next on the list is Brown’s “twin tunnels” which at this point appears to be a $17B boondoggle. At this point it still has a long way to go, but in the end, if it goes forward, it is going to cost many Californians a lot of money as they will be paying even more for their water – this so that environmentalists can save some shrimp!

Finally, the “bullet train to nowhere.” It will cost billions to complete and if it is ever finished, the polls show that few plan to use it. In a state that has so many problems, why would you spend billions on this boondoggle? Some postulate that this could be his legacy project, but I contend that his nickname, “moonbeam”, has already sealed his lunacy legacy!

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