Legacy ?

In future years what will be the legacy of Donald Trump? Trying to take the politics totally out of his eventual evaluation will be difficult. It will also be difficult for me because as most of you are aware I am a Donald Trump fan. I will try to be fair here.

In the plus column to me there are two major accomplishments which should define his legacy.

One … he kept the U.S. out of new wars, and lessened our involvement in ongoing conflicts, especially in Mideast, while being a strong proponent of the military. He was able to do this because of his reputation as an unpredictable a-hole. Enemies and potential enemies were always unsure of what he might do, and how he would retaliate. It was not ‘if,’ but ‘when,’ and how strongly he would retaliate, and everybody knew it. The leaders of Iran, Russia, North Korea, and China had either met him or knew of his reputation, and were very leery of crossing the line. The consequence was peace for the U.S.

Two … He appointed three Supreme Court Justices. Granted they do not always decide what I think they should, but for the most part they are right on. Practically speaking, we really have now a Court of six justices. The three liberal justices always vote the same way on any significant issues, and consequently the nation is left with six justices to decide major issues … and President Trump appointed three of the six.

I could go on with Trump’s accomplishments, but instead I am now going to focus on his shortcomings.

One … In terms of Covid, he made one colossal blunder which could haunt his legacy forever. He basically gave total command and control to Dr. Fauci. Here he totally abrogated his responsibility, and handed the whole kit-and-caboodle to Fauci. Lockdowns and all of their bad consequences were because of Fauci. School closures, especially for those children who by necessity were forced to not attend school, will continue to be detrimental for these unfortunate children for years to come, and perhaps for their entire lives … all because of Fauci. Mandates, although a Biden fax pas, which cost many their livelihoods … again go back to Fauci.

And to top it off, all of the limitations that were fostered and encouraged by Dr. Fauci did not reduce the death toll from Covid.

Two … certainly Trump’s personality could be viewed as a major shortcoming. However, to me, one has to balance his super-dominant, unyielding, argumentative personality with his many accomplishments.

So in conclusion, I think that in the future, Trump’s legacy will receive a grade of ‘B’ … if not for his disastrous kowtowing to Fauci, it would have been an ‘A.’


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