Language Manipulation

Many years ago my attorney asked me, “What are lawyers experts in?”

After thinking for a few seconds I responded, “Lawyers are experts in the law.” I could see by the twinkle in his eye that he had ensnared me and he then said, “Wrong. Actually, lawyers are are experts in language manipulation.”

Today when I read an article that was adapted from a lecture by Christopher Rufo at Hillsdale College. While reading this I was reminded about that “language manipulation” answer way back when. (BTW, I was the good guy in that lawsuit.) The article (lecture) was titled “Critical Race Theory: What it is and how to fight it.” Although “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) has been in the news a lot lately, I actually knew very little about it until I read and reread this Rufo piece, and what follows is taken from his lecture at Hillsdale College.

Critical to understanding CRT is to comprehend a bit about Marxism which initially was based on the theory of class conflict of the working class versus the capitalist class. In the 20th century Marxist styled revolutions failed in Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba, etc. with the deaths of nearly 100 million people due to executions, mass starvations, gulags, etc. By the mid-1960s Marxist intellectuals realized that capitalists vs. workers (class warfare) was not going to be a successful sell in the West, and so they then substituted ‘race’ for ‘class.’ (language manipulation). Understand that CRT today is based upon the intellectual framework of ‘identity based Marxism,’ and it has been subtly injected into government agencies (FBI & Dept. of Homeland Security), public school systems (elementary schools in Cupertino, California), teacher training programs (Springfield, Missouri middle schools), corporate human resource departments (Sandra National Laboritories), and school curricula (Seattle, Washington).

Common terminology used by CRT proponents include “equity,” “social justice,” and “diversity and inclusion.” As “neo-Marxism” would be a difficult sell, these other euphemisms have been substituted (language manipulation) to disguise that CRT is reformulated Marxism.

Strategies on how to fight this disguised form of Marxism include:

First: spreading the word and explaining to others what CRT really is.

Second: Being aware that any disagreement to CRT will inevitably result in insinuations that the dissenter is demonstrating evidence “white fragility,” “unconscious bias,” or “internalized white supremacy” Recognize this as merely another attempt at language manipulation.

Third: Speaking out whenever there is an opportunity. This blog is my contribution to speaking out. To do your part, spread this blog to as many others as you can.


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