Kyle Seraphin

As is my modus operandi on Sunday, I am writing about someone who deserves our praise for his courage.

Kyle Seraphin has worked for the FBI for six years. He is an FBI agent … err, he is an FBI agent in limbo as he has been suspended without pay and cannot obtain new employment until he quits his current job or asks for permission. Hmmm! That seems harsh. Why has he been suspended?

Kyle Seraphin has basically been suspended because he is a whistleblower.

From Liberate America:

“On one occasion, Seraphin said he was compelled to divulge information in 2021 when Attorney General Merrick Garland said to elected officials that the Department of Justice was not singling out parents who were protesting at school boards. Seraphin provided a member of Congress an email that the FBI was circulating among its ranks. The email said that Garland ordered the activation of the PATRIOT Act to single out parents with a tag titled ‘EDUOFFICIALS.’

“Many of these parents were at school board protests concerning mask and vaccine mandates along with woke education curricula. This angered the political establishment greatly, which prompted Garland to use the security state to harass otherwise peaceful parents. 

‘That’s when you become part of political hatchet jobs, and I didn’t sign up for that, and nobody I know signed up for that either,’ Seraphin said to Dan Bongino, on his talk show, ‘That’s not what people want to get involved in.’

“In a recent Washington Times interview, Seraphin said that the bureau’s cases dealing with domestic extremists, right-wing extremists, and white nationalists are largely entrapment operations with dubious moral and ethical aspects to them.

Seraphin continued, ‘The FBI‘s playbook when it comes to counterterrorism investigations is always and unequivocally morally equivalent to entrapment, even if there’s a legal definition that allows them to skirt that.’”

So, let’s see if I understand … Kyle Seraphin has been suspended without pay apparently because he is a whistleblower. He had the guts to standup and say the equivalent of “what’s going on in the DOJ is not right.” He said what many Americans now realize, namely that the DOJ/FBI have become political, and consequently he is living day to day without a paycheck.

Hopefully the Republicans will gain control of both the House and Senate in the upcoming midterms, and thus be in a position to un-politicize the DOJ/FBI.


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