King of What ?

“What tears????? I didn’t see one. Man knock it off! That boy ate some lemon heads before walking into court,” LeBron James tweeted on 11/10/21. 

This tweet was in response to what was happening in the Kenosha, Wisconsin trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse was being questioned by his defense attorneys when he broke down, crying uncontrollably, as he detailed the events of the night he shot and killed two rioters in the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Somewhat predictably then the criticism of the dunderhead star of the L.A. Lakers started as he mocked Kyle Rittenhouse for becoming emotional while testifying during his murder trial. 

Apparently James felt that he needed to chime in on something that was happening half way across the country. Subsequently his critics had a field day, and why not, as being able to throw a ball into a hoop doesn’t necessarily mean that James has any smarts. In fact the comments of his critics are much more instructive in understanding who this outspoken high school graduate really is. The following are mostly from Twitter …  enjoy:

“You’re a coward. Oh, and would you be saying this if he weren’t white? Or if he held the same political views as you did?”

“You’re literally known as the king of faking injuries, flopping, and crying to refs. Maybe sit this one out?”

“You are a remarkably immature person, using your platform to mock a teenager like a 12 year old trying to impress his friends.”

“This guy @KingJames is the @joebiden of the @NBA.  He is wrong on every possible issue.  It’s unreal.”

“There’s only one American “King,” and he’s buried in Memphis.”

“Hey LeBron since you have time to make fun of a teenager in court, surely you have the time to announce you support human rights in China, right? I’d hate for you to keep shutting up and dribbling for Chairman Xi.”

“Figured out what’s happening in Hong Kong yet? Or to the Uyghurs in Chinese concentration camps? Didn’t think so.”

“Tears of the enslaved children making Nike shoes in China: real or fake?”

“Hey, LeBigot, care to comment on whether the tears of the Uyghurs and Falun Gong are genuine?”

“XiBron is mad. I guess his Uyghur slaves are slacking.”

Yes, “King James” is truly the king of meatheads. Nonetheless, I can hardly wait for him to tweet another inane comment on something that he knows nothing about … as the Twitter responses to this blockhead are right on the money and worth the wait.


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