Keller vs. Mehta

Even though it is only January I already have two candidates for “Bozo of the year!” (Last year the “Bozo of the year” serendipitously had a last name that began with ‘B,’ but that is not a hard and fast rule.)

The first candidate is Swiss banker, Hubert Keller.  

From Valuetainment

During a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland last week, Swiss banker and ‘agenda contributor’ Hubert Keller said coffee production is bad for the environment and is exacerbating climate change.

At a panel discussion Keller said, ‘The coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee… Every time we drink coffee, we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere.”

Keller went on: ‘And one of the reasons is because most of the coffee plantation or most of the coffee is produced through monoculture and monoculture is also affected by climate change… The quality of these natural assets is deteriorating quite rapidly.’

Not surprising, Keller is a managing partner of global wealth management firm Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch, a bank deeply committed to Environmental, Social, and corporate Governenace (ESG) philosophy.

However before you cast your “Bozo of the year” vote for Keller, consider another WEF speaker, Jojo Mehta, who described fishing and farming as environmentally destructive activities. She advocated for destructive activities to be recognized as “ecocide” under new international laws that would punish crimes against nature in the same way genocide is prosecuted.

BTW: Jojo Mehta, the co-founder and CEO of Stop Ecocide International, which compared the side effects of “farming,” “fishing,” and energy production to mass murder and torture. Her organization is currently working with diplomats, politicians, corporations, NGOs, and academics to advocate for the recognition of such acts of “ecocide” as serious crimes.

I am sure as the months pass by, other noteworthy candidates will arise.

However, keep in mind that future candidates do not have to be members of WEF!
