Justice and Justus Smith

As is my pattern on Sundays, I write about someone who deserves our admiration and respect. Today the honorees are a father and his son. The son for doing the admired deed, and the father for instilling these admired values into his son.

From Epoch Inspired:

Justus Mateo Smith, 5, and his father, Justice, 40, encountered a homeless man at a busy intersection, just off a highway exit, in the middle of rush-hour traffic. The father-son duo were on their way to a dental appointment during a typically busy day.

In a tender example of generosity, a 5-year-old of Nashville, Tennessee, gave his 30 cents—which was everything he had—to a homeless man he encountered on the street.

The elder Smith wanted to give the homeless man money to buy food, but did not have any cash on him.

“Because of the way I was raised and also at one time being homeless and sleeping in a car myself, I always make an effort to acknowledge the homeless individual’s humanity and existence with eye contact and a smile, along with a head nod or wave—at the least,” Justice Smith told The Epoch Times.

To his surprise, his son had also noticed the homeless man, and although his father hadn’t uttered a word about helping the man, the young Justus offered to give him 30 cents.

“I didn’t even realize he had 30 cents on him at first,” Justice recalled. “It was like our 5-year-old heard the thoughts going through my head and then answered with his own suggestion out loud.”

The father of three believes that, as parents, it is best to teach children by leading by example. “The most important things they’ll remember about their childhood and being with their parents (us) is by what we parents have done,” he said. “Sure, they may recall what we’ve said at times, but our actions truly show and teach them how to operate in this world.”

Three cheers for five year old Justus, but more importantly a gazillion kudos to his father, Justice Smith.


135 Replies to “Justice and Justus Smith”

  1. Great and touching story. I’m going to change subjects and ask a question as surely the majority of the readers on this site are conservative and probably Republicans. May we multiply greatly between now and November, or at the absolute least, get off our lazy fat butts and get to the polls and vote (not by mail).
    I can not be the only one being inundated with 30 emails a day from posters claiming to be Donald J. Trump, Donald J. Trump, Jr., every Republican candidate across the country begging for donations. I have TOTALLY STOPPED donating to these as there is absolutely no way to be assured of their authenticity. In addition, I get multiple daily text requests from again, those claiming to donation centers; most claiming multiple dollars to my donation. Does any one know how and where to send donations for the party and specific candidates?

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