Just for Fun !

In view of Nike’s recent example of what the word “cowardice” means, and Colin Clown-pernick’s opinion on the Betsy Ross flag, let’s go back to the Oval Office and listen in on the planning discussion for Barack Obama’s second inaugural ceremony in 2013 . . . Just for fun!
President Obama: “Let’s try to emphasize patriotism as a theme for this inauguration.”
Staff: “Do you have any ideas, sir?”
President Obama: “I want my speech at this year’s inauguration to mention our Founding Fathers, and the transition from 13 small colonies to the vast nation that we are today. Michelle has also drooped hints that I need to mention the names of more women in this speech, so make sure that Betsy Ross is mentioned at least a few times.”
Staff: “That’s a wonderful Idea, Mr. President. Just like with her school lunch program, Michelle seems to always have her finger on the pulse of the nation!”
President Obama: “We also are going to need some visual displays that will be captured by our friends at CNN and MSNBC, and will at the same time emphasize my patriotism. I took a lot of heat from Fox when I stopped wearing the flag pin on my lapel, so I want something that will be the opposite. Perhaps big American flags on display above my head.”
Staff: “Another stroke of genius, sir.”
President Obama: “I am visualizing five huge American flags high above my head with the flag in the center positioned directly me while I am speaking. And to tie everything together . . . Betsy Ross, the American flag, and my patriotism, how about having three present day flags in the center flanked by two Betsy Ross flags, one on each end.”
Staff: “Brilliant!”
President Obama:  “I figure with the 13 stars on her flag, it’s another way to tie together the growth from the 13 colonies to the present 50 states, err . . . it is 50, not 57, right?”
Staff: “Yes, 50 is correct, sir. And together with your speech, these flags will leave a wonderful and lasting impression!”
President Obama: “I think it’s really important to take into account the impression that kind of symbol would have for many of our fellow Americans.” (FYI, this exact line was possibly plagiarized by Beto O’Rourke just in the last few days!)
Staff: “Just to be on the safe side, is there anybody that could possibly be offended by this type of display?”
President Obama: “I do not think so. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) says that the flag is “innocuous” and has been used by people mostly for patriotic purposes. A senior research fellow for the group’s Center on Extremism, has told the Associated Press that the flag is most commonly used by people for patriotic purposes. (Again, FYI: Probably just by coincidence an opinion by the ADL and the statement by Mark Pitcavage, a senior research fellow for the group’s Center on Extremism were restated again in the last few days!)
Staff: “Okay then, Mr. President, we’ll go with it just as you have outlined.”

Now that you have read the inside poop on what happened in the Oval Office back in Jan. 2013, google “American flag display at Barack Obama’s 2013 inauguration” . . .  just for fun!

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