Just Being Neighborly

A few months ago I was outside chatting with my new neighbor. Keep in mind that I have lived in California for about forty years, but I am not a native. My neighbor was born in San Diego, went to school here, and basically has never left California, and to boot, he is a teacher. Do I have to say any more about his presumed political leanings? 

Anyway as we were b.s.-ing about nothing, he said something that could easily be construed by anyone including his four year old daughter as being anti-Trump. I thought, “should I be neighborly and just ignore it” or . . . “nip it in the bud?” So after thinking it over for a nano-second, I said, “Just so you know, I am a big Trump guy.” I think I stunned him! I could see him thinking, “how could such a nice neighbor be for Trump?” He asked, “Why?” 

Since his original anti-Trump comment had to do with a tweet, i started off slowly, by saying that I did not always agree with his tweets, but that he has been one helluva a President. He responded “How so?”

My immediate thought was where to start. I started with the spectacular rise in the economy before the coronavirus hit. I added record low unemployment numbers, especially for minorities. 

Next I commented on his over-the-top support for the military and mentioned how he often goes to Dover Air Force Base to welcome home the remains of those killed in action . . . something that our previous president did rarely and only when the cameras were rolling.

Oops at this point the four year old was bored, and so the conversation ended. Interestingly he has not mentioned President Trump again.

Today I thought if I were asked “why,” again what would i say, knowing that there would be time only for two responses. What would each of you say?

After mulling it over, I have decided that the following would be my two answers:

First – He does what he says that he is going to do. His campaign promises are not “say it, but have no intention to do it” promises, like so many politicians. In business, if you promise something, you do it, otherwise the word spreads quickly that you are a phony . . .and one thing Donald Trump is not, is a phony.

Second – He believes in the law. He has appointed about 200 judges . . . judges that believe in and will follow the Constitution. Similarly, with these riots and their accompanying destruction, he is solidly in the corner of law and order not anarchy.

Oops, I’ve gotta go as my four year old granddaughter is now bored.

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