Is This the Only Time ?

I would guess that most of you are familiar with Jim Acosta. Yes that schmuck who is the chief White House correspondent for CNN. I have to admit something embarrassing. Today I found myself agreeing with that CNN loudmouth! Now before anyone jumps to a foolish conclusion . . . no, I was not watching CNN, as my TV still, for some reason, cannot get CNN.

Actually I was watching Mike Pence and his daily update on the coronavirus on Fox News. At the end, as usual, there was some time for questions. Many of the questions were thinly disguised attempts to trap the Vice President. One question had to do with whether President Trump should order the closure of all schools. This was one of those “you can only be wrong” questions . . . If you say “no, do not close the schools,” and a large high school has a student with the virus, you will get fried in the press. On the other hand, if you answer, “yes, close all the schools,” and there is not one case in a student, then you will get fried because you have disrupted the lives of millions of families by making the kids stay home. The answer given was at this time to let every state decide for itself, as it would be ludicrous to close all the schools in a state that has only a few, or even zero cases.

Next it was Jim Acosta who in essence asked why the President is still going around shaking hands, when that is one of recognized ways of spreading this disease. The answer was actually a mumbled ridiculous hodge-podge of an answer that avoided the question.  Here, drum roll please . . . I agree with what Acosta was insinuating. President Trump should not be shaking hands with anybody for basically two reasons. First, to set an example for the rest of the country, he should not be shaking hands in public. And in addition, for his own safety he should not be shaking hands with anybody in public or in private. I certainly would not put it past some liberal nut-job to try to purposely try to shake hands with the President, solely to give him the coronavirus!

The last question had to do with the President and his “Make America Great “ rallies., “Shouldn’t he cancel these rallies?” No real answer was given to that question either, but rather another Tennessee two-step answer that really was not an answer. Again a question with no real answer, but actually the only good answer should be “yes, he should cancel them for the time being.” Again here my reasoning is two-fold: first, lead by example Mr. President! And second, why risk infecting the avid Trump fans at these rallies, when some liberal nut-job could be there specifically to infect Pro-Trumpers?

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