Is the Foundation Crumbling?

A lot of people have been fired from their jobs and more are threatened to be fired from their jobs because they refuse to get the Covid vaccinations. Some non-vaccers are obstreperous or stubborn, but a fair number are claiming religious or medical exemptions.

Thus far most employers are refusing to consider either. In terms of the religious exemption a very recent court ruling may change that. 

From The Epoch Times:

“The United Airlines COVID-19 vaccine mandate has violated some employees’ religious beliefs, according to a federal appeals court.

The company’s mandate allows for religious exemption applications but even if those applications are granted, some employees to which they are granted are forced to stop working, receive no pay, and stop getting benefits paid by the company, a set of conditions described as unpaid leave.

The treatment of religious objections triggered a lawsuit, which asked a court to block the mandate for them, but a federal judge in November 2021 declined to do so, asserting plaintiffs didn’t prove they would suffer irreparably.”

However the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed:

‘United has presented plaintiffs with two options: violate their religious convictions or lose all pay and benefits indefinitely. That is an impossible choice for plaintiffs who want to remain faithful but must put food on the table. In other words, United is actively coercing employees to abandon their convictions,” Circuit Judges Jennifer Walker Elrod, a George W. Bush appointee, and Andy Oldham, a Trump appointee, wrote in the unsigned majority opinion. (Interestingly the judge, Mark Pittman, who initially ruled against the plaintiffs was also a Trump appointee. Also it is interesting that the dissenting judge of the three on the Fifth Circuit, Jerry Smith, is a Raegan appointee.)

I expect that across the country there will be more rulings in favor of religious exceptions to the vaccine mandates. Potentially this could be a expensive proposition for United Airlines and other companies who have basically not paid any heed to religious exemptions. They basically fired employees who claimed religious exemptions … or put them on unpaid leave. Potentially these companies will owe back pay for an extended period of time for a substantial number of employees. $$$!

If the foundation to vaccine mandates loses the religious appeal aspect, look for that foundation to start crumbling.


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