Is It Possible ?

At the recent G-7 meeting Joe Biden said that he basically couldn’t believe that he was the President. This was not the first time that Joe has said a similar thing. Granted Mr. Biden is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but there are about 74 million other U.S. citizens who can’t believe it either. Is it possible that Mr. Biden did not win the 2020 Presidential election, but doesn’t realize it? In my opinion, that is very possible, as he then would be the perfect actor playing the part of the President. He would be an actor who basically doesn’t have to act, because he really thinks that he’s the President . . . although, as noted above, he can’t believe it.

For those of you who have not read my recent three part series on 2020 “voting irregularities,” entitled “False”…”Alleged”…”Probable”…”Certain,” – go back and read it carefully now. What is going to follow here will be similar to Cliff Notes, but again recall that the Cliff Notes were merely shortcuts for those who wouldn’t or couldn’t read the book. 

To summarize there are three basic types of “voting irregularities.”

First there are the “irregularities” that are orchestrated by what I will call the ground troops, and these are carried out for the most part locally. For example: ballots lost or dumped, late mail-in ballots backdated, and an entire cacophony of ballots counted for people not eligible to vote, whether dead, illegal, not registered, or moved out of state. 

This category would also include pallets full of ballots being kept in a warehouse in Fulton Country, Georgia, the country that swung the election to Joe Biden. These ballots all were pristinely marked in favor of Biden . . . again an “irregularity” probably orchestrated by local ground troops. Very probably all of these type of cheating by “ground troops,” is encouraged by higher-ups, but who would be very difficult to track down.

The second type of “voting irregularity” is what I would loosely call “coordinated.” In this category I would include the stoppage of vote counting that occurred at 11pm eastern time. This was certainly not a series of isolated coincidences, but rather a “coordinated” scheme … and then three hours later the vote counting in WI, MI, PA, NV, AZ, and GA all started at the same time! Serendipity? Happenstance? Coincidence? . . . No, No and No! This was obviously a coordinated attack.

Third: Espionage, including massive hacking into our voting systems by different foreign countries, but mainly by China. If this type of coordinated hacking occurred, it is tantamount to an act of war. 

Is it possible that this occurred on a grand scale, and similarly is it possible that Joe Biden is completely unawares? Likewise it is possible that all of Democrats in Washington are also unawares?

I am hearing a chorus of “where’s the proof?” If there was massive interference by a foreign power, prove it!

I just finished watching a 26 minute video by Mike Lindell called “Absolutely, 9-0.”  It was released on 6/3/21 and is a follow up to Lindell’s first video entitled, “Absolute Proof” (2/5/21), and Lindell’s second video, a two hour video titled “Absolute Interference” (3/19/21). All three of these Lindell videos are about the massive coordinated cyber-attacks that occurred on 11/3 & 11/4/20. The data is voluminous, not subjective, and overwhelming. The only possible conclusion after watching any of Lindell’s videos is that Donald Trump won the 2020 Presidential election, and he easily won it. If perchance you do not believe me, I challenge you to watch these Lindell videos. Watch at least one! When you do, it is more than possible that it will blow your socks off.


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