Interesting and Inexplicable

The following is from the LA Times of 6/2/21:

“A deal approved  by a federal judge comes after lawyers for a San Diego-area Pentecostal church took their challenge against the state to the U.S. Supreme Court three times and won.

“The settlement includes a permanent injunction in line with Supreme Court rulings that found restrictions on houses of worship cannot exceed those on retail businesses,” attorney Paul Jonna said.

“The settlements involve federal lawsuits brought by South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista and Father Trevor Burfitt, a Catholic priest in Bakersfield, who sued in Kern County Superior Court.

Lawyers for the Thomas More Society, a conservative public interest law firm, will receive $1.6 million in legal fees in the South Bay case and $550,000 in the Burfitt case.”

Although this news story should have made the front page, I find it interesting and inexplicable, that it didn’t. In my local paper the same basic story was buried on page 6, and the phrase “buried on page 6” was edited out in my letter to the editor (which was surprisingly published on 6/6/21):

“Buried on page 6, was the headline, “STATE TO PAY 2.15 M IN FEES IN CHURCH LAWSUITS.”  A surprise? … Hardly, as anyone with a lick of common sense or a mere passing knowledge of the Constitution knew that Gov. Newsom and his cronies could not legally impose restrictions on churches that were more severe than restrictions on retail. Unfortunately, it is the California taxpayers who will ultimately pay for Gov. Newsom’s inept apparent maliciousness.”

BTW: Where is this $2.15 M going to come from?  You can bet your bippy that it will not come out of the pockets our astute Governor. 

I do find it interesting and inexplicable that I have not read one thing in the “newspapers” critical of our Governor’s judgement in this saga. As one of my astute friends put it: “The fact that the press accepts this brazen tyranny is worse than Newsome practicing it.” (Hmmm! …  perhaps he should have his own blog.)

I also find it interesting and inexplicable that apparently only South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista and Father Trevor Burfitt had the cojones to pursue this matter.

The Archbishop Emeritus of Philadelphia last week said that some Catholic bishops were “too compliant” with state and local restrictions on churches during the recent pandemic.

“If you don’t reach out to people who are lonely and suffering and dying in a time like the pandemic, then you’re not being the Church, and that’s very, very bad for everyone involved.”

BTW: Where was my local Bishop in all of this? Granted although he has probably never been accused of having cojones, it would certainly be interesting and inexplicable if he ever stood up to a Democrat.


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