Inside the Brains of Bernie Supporters

I know, I know that right off the bat a lot of you are thinking that “brains and Bernie supporters” in the same paragraph is an oxymoron. However, everyone has a brain. It’s just that some of us do not use it. But let’s just go with it, and assume that Bernie supporters can think logically, if they put their minds to it. At this point there may not be another primary, in fact unless things change substantially there may not even be a Milwaukee convention. What are these Bernie fans thinking now that Sleepy Joe now practically has the nomination sewn up? Let’s assume that Biden does get the nomination, and he selects a female, even a female of color to be his V.P. He has stated that if elected he will only serve one term, so if he serves out his four years, who will then be the Democratic nominee in 2024? Logically speaking it will be his V.P., and from the point of view of the Bernie supporters, this will not be someone who has a philosophy similar to Bernie. So far, so good. So does it not make sense that their only hope in 2024 is to have a Bernie-like candidate running for president, and not Biden’s V.P.? The only way to accomplish this is to try to insure that Biden does not win . . . ergo, they will not vote for Joe. It is unlikely, but possible, that they could vote for Trump, but most likely they will probably not vote at all. The good news is that without the votes of the Bernie-ites, (unless something drastic happens) the Dems cannot win in 2020.
If anyone knows any Bernie supporters, pass along this line of reasoning, and hope that they buy it!

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