Incompetence or Intentionality ?

Because things, especially bad things, often occur in threes, I admit that I was somewhat hesitant to write the following. Is the third shoe going to drop? First of all from Mark Levin: “How the hell does a guy,” who has “not even [a] military background” or “law enforcement background” mange to “get access to a building which is a staging ground for local police and Special Ops” carrying something as big as a rifle.” Similarly, how does this young kid get access to a nearby roof with a clear shot at Trump without the Secret Service spotting him? And finally why was the FBI so quick to say that the shooter acted alone? There are basically only two simple answers. Either the Secret Service and the FBI are incompetent … or there is some funny stuff (intentionality) going on. Likewise, how is it that days after this boondoggle, this headline from Bloomberg: “A Routine CrowdStrike Update Crashed the World’s Computers” Again unfortunately we are left with the same simple choice. CrowdStrike or somebody at CrowdStrike is incompetent … or there was some funny stuff (intentionality) going on. From C&C: “Google Whistleblower and senior developer Zach Voorhies yesterday posted the CrowdStrike crash error log, which can be easily found in internal computer files if you know where to look. And then Zach diagnosed the error, which appears to be the most basic kind of C++ programming mistake. The gist is that the error pushed by the so-called “Global IT Security” company bringing down the world’s critical infrastructure was so basic that it tends to suggest either grotesque, DEI-levels of incompetence or intentionality.” Napoleon once said, “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.” So here again we are faced with the same choice … either incompetence or some funny stuff (intentionality) was going on. I have my suspicions … You all can make your own individual choices. Hmmm! 7/22/24 californiacontrarian