Inclined To Do Evil … Or Just Plain EVIL

Back on 8/26/21 I wrote a piece in which I said that a lot of Democratic politicians have no compulsion about cheating (“Just Another Way of Cheating”). This article was primarily about vote by mail, and the inherent skullduggery that goes along with. Notice that I did not say “potential skullduggery,” but rather inherent skullduggery. Ballot harvesting, dead people voting, illegals voting, double and triple voting by a single individual, and the “altruistic” filling out of ballots for those who do not know one candidate from another. Of course a lot of Democrats are all-in for unlimited voting by mail because, as pointed out back on 8/26/21, to them the end justifies the means. In other words they are inclined to do evil.

However I just read an article from The American Thinker by Andrew Coy that disagrees with my basic tenet. He says that they are not just inclined to do evil, but in fact … are evil!!

He starts off as follows:

“The only way to explain what is coming from the placeholder at the White House and the Deep State elites is that they are just evil.  They are doing what they’re doing because they are evil.  No other answer makes sense.”

Mr. Coy then details over twenty examples of why they must be evil.

He then closes with:

“These people are not dumb, not stupid, nor illiterate; that’s not it.  They know exactly what they are doing.  The only thing that can explain these unexplainable decisions is…?  evil. The answer of evil makes the only sense, nothing else does.  I do wish there’s different answer.  But there’s none.”

I highly recommend that you read his entire article.

I guess I have to apologize to Mr. Coy for my initial piece back on 8/26/21, because at this point I have to agree that the President and the Deep State elites, pure and simple … are EVIL. 


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