In Minneapolis … Not A Surprise !

This morning I found myself asking a question that perhaps many Americans are asking themselves … “who do these anti-Israeli protestors actually represent?” 

It appears that at least some of these college protestors are here on student visas, and because these foreigners are backing a terrorist group (Hamas) could well be subject to expulsion from the U.S. … another topic for another day (see blog of 10/21/23).

But what about the non-college anti-Israeli protestors?

From BlazeNews:

“Thousands of anti-Israel demonstrators took to the streets of Minneapolis on Sunday, waving Palestinian colors and at least one Hamas flag as part of a leftist coalition’s “Stand with Palestine” rally. The demonstrators blockaded the intersection of Hennepin and Lyndale avenues and Vineland Place, forcing drivers to wait through a so-called “die-in” protest of Israel’s war on Hamas terrorists.”

I will not describe the plight of an elderly man with white hair whose car was attacked by a mob as he tried to get past the pro-Palestinian blockade. (You can probably read about these details in your local MSM, … not! Do not hold your breath while trying to find this incident described in any liberal press clipping!) 

Be that as it may, what do we know about the group that organized this “rally?”

From BlazeNews:

“According to Newsweek, the rally was organized by the Minnesota Anti-War Committee, the state chapter of the American Muslims for Palestine, and the Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Minnesota. On the day of the protest, the MAWC retweeted a post that states, “’Israel does not have the right to defend itself against those whom it occupies.’”

Read the following very closely to get a good idea of how far left these Minnesota protestors really are.

An agenda document on the group’s site indicates that in addition to opposing Israel, the organizers support unchecked abortion; voting rights for illegal aliens; prohibitions against pipeline construction; ending cash bail; community control of police; and more taxes.
