In a Corner

Unfortunately President Biden has painted himself in a corner as far as Russia and it’s oil is concerned. In January 2021 when J.B was inaugurated, the U.S. was oil independent, but J.B. immediately changed all of that by his actions right off the bat … after all he did have to “pay off” the greenies who helped get him “elected.” The result of J.B’s impulsive executive orders … 

From BlazeMedia:

“Though the U.S. has the capacity to supply its own oil, Democrat-imposed restrictions have severely limited our domestic supply and forced the country to become more reliant upon foreign oil imports, including more than 500,000 barrels of Russian crude oil every day.”

Wow! That’s a lot of oil; and every day! Note that oil is not cheap! The cost of oil is now close to $100 per barrel. Let’s see … 500,000 barrels at $100 per barrel adds up to quite a bit of “loose change” … loose change that the U.S. is now giving to Russia every day to finance Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

Putin has been amassing troops on the Ukraine border for close to a year. Did anybody think that he was doing this for fun? Possibly only J.B. and his astute advisors … perhaps those same advisors who choreographed the exit from Afghanistan. So of course, with Putin’s obvious intent to go into Ukraine, what would be the smart thing to do? Would it be to guarantee that we would continue to put more money into Putin’s coffers by buying more and more of his oil ??? OMG! I cannot even imagine how much money that Biden’s dim-witted executive orders have put into Putin’s pockets over the last year. How many Ukrainians has J.B. helped kill by his executive actions that funneled mucho dineros to Russia?

In response to one of my recent blogs someone chimed in that he thought that Biden was really a smart guy. Although he may have a high I.Q.(I doubt it, but I do not know), I do know that there is quite a bit of difference between “smart,” and having “street smarts.” Giving all of that oil money to Putin so that he can kill more Ukrainians does not strike me as being anywhere close to smart. 

J.B. has painted himself into a corner that is of his own doing. Whatever has happened and will continue to happen is his fault. It serves him right.

Unfortunately, I do not think that J.B. has the fortitude to admit his mistake and reverse course, and consequently many more innocents will die.


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