“I’m Not Supposed To …”

How does a rational person explain Joe Biden? 

Is it possible that he is a “nice old man” who doesn’t really realize the full extent of what is going on? Could he be a modern day Trojan horse, or a more modern day “Stepford husband” playing a submissive role . . . but playing a submissive role to whom?

Yesterday there were two pretty amazing and at the same time potentially frightening news stories.

First, at the end of a very short press briefing, when questions were being hurled at him as he was attempting to leave, the nice old man said,

“I’m not supposed to be answering all these question. I’m supposed to leave.”

When multiple issues are actually on the front pages even of the liberal newspapers, it means that they are indeed some serious issues. Israel-Gaza . . . a serious issue. A major gasoline pipeline cyber-attack causing lines at gas stations in some states . . . a serious problem. Record inflation in the month of April . . . potentially a very serious financial situation for all Americans. The crisis at our southern border with record numbers of detentions (100K in February, 172K in March, and almost 180,000 in April) . . . even though not really commented on much by MSM, another serious situation and getting worse.

And yet the assumed leader of the free world says, “I’m not supposed to be answering all these question. I’m supposed to leave.” !!! 

If he is not supposed to be answering questions, who is? When there are serious problems . . . Joe, “who ya goin’ to call, Ghost-busters?” It seems to me that someone should be informing the American people on 

 at least some of these serious things. Someone other than Jen “I’ll get back to you on that” Psaki.

But just as serious, who is telling him what he is supposed to do? Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a President who was actually in charge, and in control of when he could talk instead of being subservient, and only doing what someone else tells him what he is supposed to do? Oops, we did have such a President, but he was a “mean tweeter!” At least Joe doesn’t tweet, and thus comes across as a docile nice old man that will do what he is told. 

Meanwhile more than 120 retired generals and admirals have signed a letter saying that the U.S. is in “deep peril” under the leadership of President Joe Biden, specifically warning that the mental condition of the nation’s oldest commander in chief “cannot be ignored.” The letter was released by Flag Officers 4 America, and was signed by 124 retired “military officers entitled to carry a flag indicating their rank.”

It doesn’t take a genius to discern that this group is probably made up of those who lean to the right. However, seriously think about it for a second. If by his own words someone is telling him what not to do . . . “I’m not supposed to do …”, or what to do . . . “I’m supposed to do …”, who will be the puppet-master telling him what to do if, God forbid, the North Koreans aim a missile at Los Angeles or Seattle? Likewise who will be playing the role of Edgar Bergen when Charley McCarthy, err Joe Biden,  needs to say something important or make an important decision?

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