“I’m Busy!”

Me: “I’m busy!”
They: “How can you be sure that you are busy on those two nights? The nights in question are about 10 days away. Certainly you can’t be busy on both nights. You don’t even know what time on either night.”
Me: “I’m pretty sure that I’m busy!”
They: “Well you surely can record the programs on both nights, and then watch them at your leisure any time during the following week.”
Me: “Sorry, no can do, as I’m busy for the entire following week. Besides I do not even know which channel MSNBC is on my cable.”
They: “Well, no doubt, there will be plenty in the newspapers in the days following the debates, and you can read about the witty comments and put-downs from each of the twenty candidates. It is likely to be very exciting!”
Me: “Unlikely that I will have time to read about the debates, as I’m very busy on both the 27th and the 28th. It might be amusing to read about “the day-after espirit de l’escaliers” of the participants, but these private thoughts will not see the light of day.”
They: I am super excited about the upcoming Democratic debates on June 26 & 27, and might even host a victory party of sorts of both nights.”
Me: “I looked at the scheduled participants on both nights, and an “Ambien-party” might be more exciting on the 26th. Yawn! Who are Tim Ryan, John Delaney, Jay Inslee, and Tulsi Gabbard? . . . can anyone imagine the president of the U.S. with a first name of “Tulsi”? Probably the biggest anticipation will be to see if anyone takes a shot at Pocahauntas, who seems to be the only one of the front-runners on that first night. But again, I’m busy!”
They: “Perhaps, after looking at the scheduled challengers on the first night, I will have my victory party on the second night, as this is where the real excitement will be.”
Me: “Help me here. WTF . . . who are Andrew Yang, Marianne Williamson, Michael Bennet, Eric Swalwell, and John Hickenlooper? Can anyone imagine a President Yang or a President Hickenlooper? Who are these twiddle-dums? . . . Yawn!”
They: “I agree that there are some sleepers on the 27th, but I can hardly wait to see Biden and Sanders face-off against Buttigieg and Harris – the old versus the new, the experienced versus the non-experienced.”
Me: “Like I have said, ‘I’m busy!” In fact I will be watching something a lot more exciting that night . . . the sunset!”

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