Illegals Voting

Illegals Voting

“On the picture ID, the one thing I have thought of in that space is that if you show up on Election Day with a driver’s license with a picture, attest that you are a citizen, you have a right to vote in an Federal election”. (This quote was referring to the potential of illegals voting in a presidential election.)

To this the liberals would say, “balderdash” as this must have been said by some “right wing nut job”, after all it is only conservative Republicans that imply that there could be any voter fraud in any U.S. elections. Actually this was said by John Podesta, former chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, in a February 2015 email. This email was leaked by Wikileaks, and it was written one day after Donald Trump said that the system was rigged. (Keep in mind that the Democrats never disputed the veracity of the contents of the Wikileaks emails.)

Is it a surprise that a prominent Democrat like Podesta would think, in essence, that driver’s licenses provide a potential for illegals to vote?  No, no surprise here, as it is common sense that providing driver’s licenses for illegals opens the door to these illegals voting. The only real question is, “How wide is this door opened, and how many illegals are passing through it”.

How many, indeed?

An editorial in Investors Business Daily (Nov. 2016) stated that there could be as many as 20-30 million illegals in the U.S., instead of the often quoted number of 11-12 million. The Electoral Studies Journal postulated that there may have been 2.8 million illegal votes in the 2008-2010 elections, and there are certainly many more illegals residing here than were in 2010.

So perhaps in response to his suspicions that the system may be rigged, on May 10, 2017, President Trump issued an executive order creating a commission to investigate voter fraud. The Democrats condemned this new commission as a ‘witch-hunt’, and academics have rejected the notion that fraudulent voting is widespread. All I need at this time to make me sure that there is some truth in Trump’s allegations is for the ACLU to chime in  . . . Oops, the ACLU has just chimed in! It filed a legal request to the White House for records showing “concrete evidence” of fraudulent voting that would warrant the creation of such a commission. Indeed with this trifecta (Democrats, academics, and the ACLU) arguing against the possibility of voter fraud, you can almost guarantee that there is some truthfulness to Trump’s allegations.

So what is the situation in California?

How will the new “Motor-Voter” law affect voting in this state?                                    First off as a result of Cal. AB60, implemented in 2015, approximately 806,000 illegal immigrants have received driver’s licenses.                                           Then AB1461 (the “motor-voter ” law) which took effect in 2017 greased the skids for these illegals to vote. The “estimate” is that there are about 2.4 million illegal immigrants in California! How many of these will eventually get driver’s licenses, and how many of these will end up voting?

From the LA Times in June, 2016 on AB 1461:                                                                   “The new law, slated to take effect next year, is supposed to streamline the way citizens register to vote at Department of Motor Vehicles offices. Once fully implemented, drivers applying for or renewing licenses and completing other DMV transactions will have their information electronically transmitted to the secretary of State, as long as they’ve confirmed they’re eligible to vote and don’t opt out of registering.”

The key here is the last part which means that these illegals are asked if they can legally vote – they have broken the law by being here, and so, of course, the best thing to do is to ask them if they are eligible to vote?!

“If you are talking about California, the state is apparently relying on the illegal alien to tell the state they shouldn’t be registered. This is still an honor system,” said Mr. Hans A. von Spakovsky, co-author of the book “Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk”.                          In other words, applicants can check a box affirming they are citizens, and this is not checked against any other government database such as federal immigration records.

I say this is insanity! But then when you have a Democratic legislature and a Democratic governor, this is the kind of insanity that we, in California, have come to expect. Since illegal aliens vote overwhelmingly Democratic, the question in California is not “if” – but how many Republican votes are nullified by illegal immigrants voting for Democrats?

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