IFB … Not Just An Anagram Of FBI !

By this time everyone is aware that Joe Biden did very poorly in the recent Trump-Biden debate. I watched the entire thing. Biden’s initial old man shuffle to the podium was merely a prelude of the disaster that was to come.
The one thing that I noticed and could not figure out was Biden repeatedly going to his right ear with his right hand. Could it be that Biden was having some difficulty with his IFB — interruptible foldback, which is an ear-prompter, a tiny device that sits invisibly in the ear canal. They’re readily available online.
From BlazeMedia:
There’s an IFB called Ovation, and the complete wireless package, which includes a recorder to hold prepared comments, costs around $1,000. Such a unit, properly modified, could provide direct radio access for instant communication.
IFBs transmit on radio frequencies, and those frequencies can be easily intercepted and jammed. A Trump campaign staffer would need a scanner. If Biden was using an IFB, the frequency wouldn’t be difficult to locate, unless he is using a more sophisticated device that hops frequencies.
Once located, it could be jammed — or taken over.”

Could it be that this is what happened during the recent debate?
Of course team Biden could not accuse team Trump of resorting to the chicanery of jamming Biden’s IFB frequency, because doing that would be admitting to having an illegal IFB earpiece in the first place!

From BlazeMedia:
“Of course, this isn’t the first time the idea of Biden using an earpiece has come up. In 2020, the Trump campaign complained that Biden’s camp first agreed to an inspection for illicit devices and then reneged at the last minute. A Biden spokesman denied the charge. Naturally, the unquestioning press accepted the spokesman’s statement and dismissed Trump’s claims as just another “conspiracy theory.”
