I Am Troubled !

Is anybody else, beside me, troubled by the actions of Joe Biden and his Georgia speech on 1/11/22? Even Stacy, “you know I won” Abrams refused to show up … blaming it on a “mistake” in her schedule. (If anyone actually believed that incredibly weak excuse, I’ve got a bridge to sell them!)

By all estimates the speech was an overt disaster. It was thoroughly criticized by the typically mild mannered Mitt Romney and the usually politically correct Mitch McConnell, who said, “How profoundly unpresidential. I have known, liked, and personally respected Joe Biden for many years. I did not recognize the man at that podium yesterday.”

It was almost as if Joe Biden wanted to offend and piss off as many as possible. If that was his goal … then I would have to say, he succeeded.

What troubles me is that this obviously offensive speech comes on the heels of a recent Quinnipiac poll,which demonstrated that “Americans give President Joe Biden a negative 33 – 53 percent job approval rating.”

Hypothetically, before the speech, imagine the speech-writer asking, “President Biden, since you are significantly underwater in the polls, what type of speech do you want me to write for you?”

Can anyone fathom President Biden responding … “write an anger filled speech that will piss-off most independents. Make sure that I belittle all who may disagree with me. Compare them to Bull Conner and George Wallace. For sure, that will be a good strategy, don’t you think?”

See here’s the problem … I cannot imagine a more inept disconnected response. Even Joe, or least his wife, should instantly realize that the tone and the message of this sort of speech are antithetical to what he needs. 

Ordinarily I am not a conspiracy guy, but why would Biden give a speech like this? 

Hmmm! I am troubled … and I hope that you are too!


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