I Am Confused !

I am confused as to why the U.S. is beholden to anybody as far as energy is concerned. I understand that some believe that using fossil fuels is bad for the environment, but it seems to me that it should be of no difference if the fossil fuel comes from the USA or from elsewhere. Since it is the same fossil fuel, I am confused.

When you look at the following figures, perhaps you will better appreciate why I am confused.

According to the American Petroleum Institute, we have enough oil in North America to fuel every single passenger car and long-haul truck for the next 430 years. We have enough natural gas to provide electricity for every business and household for the next 535 years and enough coal to provide electricity for about 500 years. This confuses me as I think that in 400+ years, we will have developed alternative fuel sources. 

400, 535, and 500 are an awful lot of years. Even if the American Petroleum Institute has over-estimated by 100 years or so, the odds are quite strong that my great-grandchildren and even my great-great-great- grandchildren should never be starved for energy … unless the global warming yo-yos continue to hypnotize and mesmerize everyone with their gobbledygook. 

So can someone explain to me why Joe Biden sacrificed America’s energy independence, ceased all exploration for oil and gas, abandoned pipeline development and drove up the prices of gasoline, heating oil, and jet fuel?  Why has he made the U.S. once again dependent on foreign oil? 

Did J.B. think that our demand for energy was suddenly going to evaporate? Did he, and does he still think that purchasing oil, gas, etc. from our enemy is a good thing? Does J.B. think that financing the violent Russian takeover of Ukraine is somehow a good thing?

So while I am confused for a multitude of good reasons, it appears to me that Joe Biden is the one that is confused! On the other hand … if he is thinking straight we are all in big trouble!


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