Hypocrisy or HYPOCRISY ?

While reading this morning, I began to ask myself if there are different degrees of hypocrisy. I knew that I would not read about either of these situations in my local ‘newspaper” for obvious reasons. Remember back last year when Rep. Nancy Pelosi was able to go to her hairdresser to get her hair done while no ordinary person was allowed to do the same. Likewise at about the same time, the Governor of California, Gavin Newsome, went to a fancy Napa restaurant, while mandating that the rest of us ordinary people could not go to a restaurant. Was one of these two elites few merely a hypocrite, while the other was a HYPOCRITE? 


The two following situations are obviously hypocritical, but is one  ‘Hypocrisy’ while the other is HYPOCRISY?

First, let’s consider Pete Buttigieg, the Transportation Secretary of the United States, who has made climate change his main focus. To him apparently climate change is an existential threat and that we better do something about it. 

However, this same Pete Buttigieg who is telling us common folk to get rid of our gas guzzling cars (“You gotta stop driving around in your big, gas-guzzling SUV,”  Buttigieg has said.), is flying on private jets to the tune of hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars? I know that Buttigieg is important, and most likely will say that is time is too important to have to fly commercial, but come-on man! Hypocrite or HYPOCRITE?

From BlaseMedia:

Meanwhile in Detroit the School Board voted in November to remove Dr. Ben Carson’s name from the Benjamin Carson High School of Medicine and Science. Democrat school board member Sherry Gay-Dagnogo said that community members complained about the name and its link to the Trump administration. (Right away, her hyphenated last name tells you all that you need to know!) … Gay-Dagnogo asked the board to scrap the name.

Carson High School opened in 2011 and was named as such because the doctor ‘was widely held up as a role model for Black youth.’

For having accomplished so much and inspiring a generation of black doctors, a public high school was named after Carson in the city where he grew up and in the school system where his education first started.

While the Detroit School Board engages in partisan theatrics, the rate of chronic absenteeism amongst its students continues to spin out, having risen to 79% last year.

According to Public School Review, Detroit public schools have an average math proficiency score of 13% and a reading proficiency score of 21%.

The city’s schools have an average ranking of 1 out of 10.

So here we have a hyphenated member of the Detroit School Board who apparently is not concerned about the extremely poor job that the Detroit schools are doing in educating the Detroit youth, but rather is playing politics with a school’s name.

FYI: In response, Dr. Carson thanked those who voiced their support for not changing the school’s name, but noted, “I don’t care what any school is named so long as every child gets an equal chance at becoming what they aspire to be.”

Dr. Carson is truly a class act, whereas Sherry Gay-Dagnogo is a truly a hypocrite … or is she a HYPOCRITE?

(BTW: if anyone is looking for a truly inspiring book to give to a child for Christmas, the life story of Ben Carson should be high on that list.)


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