How Dumb ?

Sometimes I wonder, “Just how dumb do they think we are?”

Last summer we were told that the protests that we viewed on TV were peaceful despite the fact that we saw burning buildings and the looting of stores. Now perhaps there was another definition of the word “peaceful” that I was not aware of, but really how dumb do they think that we are?

Here recently we are being told that president biden is ‘very Catholic’ because he goes to church and receives Communion. While he may do this on some Sundays, during the rest of the week, he is promoting abortion not only here in the US, but also all over the world. Are we supposed to believe that he is a ‘devout Catholic’ because the Washington Post tells us that he is ? How dumb do they think that we are?

Just last week president biden held a “National Day of Prayer.” However in his speech, as pointed out by Rachel Semmel, while he mentioned “racial injustice,” “diversity,” and “climate change,” he did not mention  “God,” “Jesus,” or “Christianity.” I’m sorry but wasn’t this supposed to be a National Day of Prayer? Come on, joe, how dumb do you think we are?

Similarly, while I could not find any quotes from scripture in his talk, he did quote deceased Rep. John Lewis who said, “Nothing can stop the power of a committed and determined people to make a difference in our society.  Why? Because human beings are the most dynamic link to the divine on this planet.” 

A quote from John Lewis instead of a quote from the Bible? A pro-ported National Day of Prayer? How dumb do they think that we are?

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